Wednesday, February 24, 2010
English, English, English!
Wow... I never thought communicating could be so difficult or learning a new language could be soooo hard.... and I am not the one trying to learn the language. I wish we would have tried to learn a little more before the girls got here. We have some obstacles in our way right now. Both of the girls are in school now every day. They are both getting lots of help and catching on .. which is just great!! However, school is getting them so worn out that they just can't function when the day is drawing to a close, especially Auddy. We need to rethink everything... She is so tired that she can't communicate and she is hungry and just needs to veg for a while. I have been so bent on teaching them English with flashcards, labels, games, you name it... (maybe it's that type A personality in me)so that we can communicate and maybe I just need to chill and be happy with making it thru the day without a crisis or a melt down. We are expecting them to function like our bio kids and it's just not going to happen right now... shifting down a few gears.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Buy a house for $85 for a family in Haiti
The rainy season has started in Haiti and tents are badly needed. The Coleman company is providing tents to JIHM at a reduced cost.
The owner of Country Market in Alexandria has donated the use of his airplane to fly tents to Tom. Dennis Conn will be flying the tents to Tom between February 25th and March 5th.
Check out the link on the JIHM website if you would like to send a tent to a family in Haiti. The $85 will cover the cost of the tent and operating cost for the airplane.
The owner of Country Market in Alexandria has donated the use of his airplane to fly tents to Tom. Dennis Conn will be flying the tents to Tom between February 25th and March 5th.
Check out the link on the JIHM website if you would like to send a tent to a family in Haiti. The $85 will cover the cost of the tent and operating cost for the airplane.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Unic of Minn International Adoption Clinc
UM Intl Adoption Clinic has been great! So informative.. we have learned so much about the the girls, their health and what to expect with the trama that they have been thru. Wow have we got our work cut out for us! Auddy's recent growth spurt has put her in the top percent for her age and she isn't thru yet. No wonder she is so hungry.. they are both hungry much of the time but they are still very fussy about what they will eat.. that presents a challenge. Auddy loves spaghetti and Islande says she loves fish but she seems to love just about everything if she is willing to try it. They both are very concerned about Haiti and the people they have left behind in Haiti. They will defend it to the end, they are very proud of their culture and country. We had the same excellent translator today. He speaks fluent Kreyole, he was sooo helpful. He took the time after the appointment to talk to the girls about what they understood about this adoption. Auddy is much more accepting of the new circumstances. Islande is struggling with identity and therefore, rebelling and trying to figure out where she fits in this world. Her parents were not honest with her about what was going to happen. They didn't tell her straight up that they were relinquishing parenting rights. They made it sound like a vacation to Disney with no rules or consequences. She is disappointed that things aren't what she expected. She is survivor with a very strong personality and bright so she should make it. Auddy's favorite word is WOW and that explains what she is feeling and experiencing now. She is overwhelmed! School is so new to her and she is very far behind and everything is foreign and strange to her. She is more reserved and needs to get used to it all. If I would to put myself in her shoes.. at 11, getting moved to a different culture, a different language, different family, and different expectations and everything new to me, I am sure I would be overwhelmed too. I remember going to Haiti for the first time. We spent 9 days there and I was so happy to be home. We were adults with a wide range of experiences and we knew we were coming home soon and yet I just couldn't wait to have familiar foods, familiar smells and to be home. Praying, praying, praying.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Our first week with both girls..
One full week with both girls at home! We really had no idea how this would all work... They talk Creole with each other non stop. Islande's english understanding has really gotten much better but I believe that her english took a step back this week because now that there is two, they aren't so eager to learn english. Auddy knew and understood quite a bit of english before she got here or should I say with body language and pointing, it amazing how much she could figure out. She is still afraid to speak tho. They both need to work on their nouns and vocab. They both seem to understand the basics of what we are saying but doesn't have the confidence or words to express themselves. Islande is talking for her a lot because Islande just simply talks so much more. Islande is such a social butterfly! She wants to go some place every chance she gets. She is not used to be home with just our family because her family never had a home. If they were in a home, it was someone elses. They each have their own room but they really want to be in the room together. In the first week, we have had many firsts and now on Tuesday will be another first... Auddy starts school. Islande loves school so we hope Auddy will too. Mrs. Thompson and all of the kids will be ready for her! The french kids from the university will continue to help with the language barrier. They are great!! With Adam and Rachel, I used to have a pretty good idea of how they would react to certain things and situations.. with these two, I am wrong most of the time. I just can't predict reactions. Everything is so new... it's a very humbling experience most of the time!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Auddy's first week at the Sperrs
Auddy arrived from Haiti to Miami on Monday night at about 8:30 -- I was able to come into customs to finish up the process at about 10:30 on Monday night. We ended up processing her customs ppw in the main terminal in Miami instead of in the private plane terminal like we did with Islande. The customs' workers were very helpful and even gave Auddy a little bag with some food in it. It was another "God" thing that she was even on that plane and that they allowed Paul, Barbara's son-in-law, to bring her thru customs... you see, Auddy got Barbara's spot on the plane! Barbara was the one listed as the official escort and Paul was not listed on any of the docs. By the grace of God, they allowed Auddy and Paul to come into the US without the proper authorization. Paul has been helping Barbara bring in kids but never had done it by himself. God worked many miracles that day! (plus Auddy's ppw from the prime minister of Haiti was not signed until Monday morning!) Auddy and I got to Minnesota and home by Tuesday night about 10:30.
Wednesday, we stayed home during the day and let Auddy and Islande get to know each other better. They have talked Creole none stop ever since. Wednesday night, we had the shower! Wow! It was wonderful to see everyone and see all of our church and family support! The gifts were unbelievable! Everything was just perfect! The girls are already enjoying their new goods... they are both very worried about what it THEIRS and what is OURS. We are working on the organization of our house and our lives... I have to say this week was overwelming!
Thursday, Grandma went to school to see it all and help with the classroom planning. Auddy got to see the school for the first time and everybody went to bed early!
Friday, More firsts... the first valentine's party for both girls... first 4-wheeler ride, first snowmobile ride, first tractor ride and sled ride for Auddy.
We are on our way to the basketball game tonight. Islande LOVES basketball and has been asking about going to the game since she woke up this morning!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Auddy's first day and the shower!
Wow, wow, wow -- this has been a week to remember and now today was just so much fun... Thank you to everyone who came to the shower! Thank you to all of you who gave so generously! The girls will be the two best dressed little haitian girls in the states! plus all the cool girl and school stuff... We made it thru the 1st full day with both of them at home.. we are overwelmed! Praise the Lord.. glad HE is in control.
How do I say thank you to a mom and dad that loved thier daughter enough to give her more than they could offer? We have spent 17 days with this amazing, bright and beautiful young lady, she is full of spunk and is tanatious enough to survive in this new environment. She gave Don a run for his money while I was gone. I can see just what they gave up,and my heart aches for them. Islande misses them too. I pray that we are up to the responsibility placed upon us.
Auddy has been here less than 24 hours. She is still overwelmed and in shock. How can we help this little girl find her place in this world? She has a heart of gold and I just found out that Altimay led her to the Lord before she left Haiti. Thank you Altimay and thank you Tom for showing her what a loving home looks like. She just smiles about so many things. Although, today she cried because her hands were cold in the snow. We will have to work on getting the gloves on good and tight.
How do I say thank you to a mom and dad that loved thier daughter enough to give her more than they could offer? We have spent 17 days with this amazing, bright and beautiful young lady, she is full of spunk and is tanatious enough to survive in this new environment. She gave Don a run for his money while I was gone. I can see just what they gave up,and my heart aches for them. Islande misses them too. I pray that we are up to the responsibility placed upon us.
Auddy has been here less than 24 hours. She is still overwelmed and in shock. How can we help this little girl find her place in this world? She has a heart of gold and I just found out that Altimay led her to the Lord before she left Haiti. Thank you Altimay and thank you Tom for showing her what a loving home looks like. She just smiles about so many things. Although, today she cried because her hands were cold in the snow. We will have to work on getting the gloves on good and tight.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Call about Auddy -- Calling all prayer warriors!
HI everyone,
Thank you for all your prayers these last few weeks... we have been thru what someone else termed "a game changer"!
Update: Islande has been here for almost 2 weeks. She is healthy and doing well adjusting to school and the cold. She misses Haiti and has had alot of hard/bad memories from the earth quake but she is adjusting. Praying for her to "accept" her new family and new surroundings and adjust to so many different things and new people and traditions.
Wow the last two weeks have been a whirl wind but nothing tops today...Sunday!
At 2pm, Talked with Cherrie (the one who arranges flights out of Haiti)-- They hope Auddy will fly out this week but nothing for Monday,
At 3pm, we got a call from our congressman's rep saying we are at the top of the pile to be signed by the prime minister in Haiti but don't get your hopes up because it probably won't happen so that we could have Auddy the beginning of the week.
Rachel went back to St Paul. I was going to ride with her if I could fly on out Monday but no luck.
At 6pm, we got an email from Cherrie -- asking if we could be in Miami by Monday afternoon.. Auddy MAY be on the flight..or may not be on Monday's flight. If we can't be there, there is a chance she would still come but then the gov't would put her into protective custody at Miami social services. Last time it took a week to get the child out when the parents weren't there on time.
If she is not on the flight on Monday, there is a good chance that she would be there on Wednesday's flight. We will know for sure if she will be on the plane on MOnday by noon tomorrow. Next step: arrange a flight. Don will stay home with Islande. I can't wait until after noon and still get to Miami by 5pm. I need to leave by 10am so I booked a flight! We will either get Auddy Monday or I will be stuck in Miami until at least Wednesday.
Please pray that she come tomorrow!!!
I don't want to be stuck in Miami for 3 days. --- Ann, I will be coming to visit you if that's the case!!
Many Blessings,
Thank you for all your prayers these last few weeks... we have been thru what someone else termed "a game changer"!
Update: Islande has been here for almost 2 weeks. She is healthy and doing well adjusting to school and the cold. She misses Haiti and has had alot of hard/bad memories from the earth quake but she is adjusting. Praying for her to "accept" her new family and new surroundings and adjust to so many different things and new people and traditions.
Wow the last two weeks have been a whirl wind but nothing tops today...Sunday!
At 2pm, Talked with Cherrie (the one who arranges flights out of Haiti)-- They hope Auddy will fly out this week but nothing for Monday,
At 3pm, we got a call from our congressman's rep saying we are at the top of the pile to be signed by the prime minister in Haiti but don't get your hopes up because it probably won't happen so that we could have Auddy the beginning of the week.
Rachel went back to St Paul. I was going to ride with her if I could fly on out Monday but no luck.
At 6pm, we got an email from Cherrie -- asking if we could be in Miami by Monday afternoon.. Auddy MAY be on the flight..or may not be on Monday's flight. If we can't be there, there is a chance she would still come but then the gov't would put her into protective custody at Miami social services. Last time it took a week to get the child out when the parents weren't there on time.
If she is not on the flight on Monday, there is a good chance that she would be there on Wednesday's flight. We will know for sure if she will be on the plane on MOnday by noon tomorrow. Next step: arrange a flight. Don will stay home with Islande. I can't wait until after noon and still get to Miami by 5pm. I need to leave by 10am so I booked a flight! We will either get Auddy Monday or I will be stuck in Miami until at least Wednesday.
Please pray that she come tomorrow!!!
I don't want to be stuck in Miami for 3 days. --- Ann, I will be coming to visit you if that's the case!!
Many Blessings,
Thursday, February 4, 2010
A good day! Drums and Basketball
Today was a good day! Islande got to see Adam and Michelle's house and even played Adam's drums. He taught her how and she loved it.
Islande also loved the basketball game! When we told her we were going to a game, she thought we were going out to shop to shoot baskets. Then she found out we were going in the TAPTAP to see a game and she was jumping up and down. She watched every shot and was so excited!!
Islande also loved the basketball game! When we told her we were going to a game, she thought we were going out to shop to shoot baskets. Then she found out we were going in the TAPTAP to see a game and she was jumping up and down. She watched every shot and was so excited!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
UM Intl Adoption Clinic did a great job- no word on Auddy yet
Islande had a Dr. appt at UM Intl Adoption Clinic... they drew 14 tubes of blood from her! She wasn't happy about that one. We had a creole translator for 3 hours! The appt took almost the full 3 hours. She was checked over good.
Barbara checked on Auddy's file today at the embassy. It's in there but not signed off on yet. The Prime Minister has to sign each one individually now... will know more either tomorrow morning or Friday afternoon.
Barbara checked on Auddy's file today at the embassy. It's in there but not signed off on yet. The Prime Minister has to sign each one individually now... will know more either tomorrow morning or Friday afternoon.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Islande's 11th Birthday -- Today -- her first Bday in the US
Islande's 11th Bday tdday .. she loved all the birthday attention and the party with the cousins. The second day of school was good. She is amazing us with her english improvements and her memory. She has nice cursive writing and got some of the countries right on the test of the South American countries. She isn't always excited about having mom follow her around in school.. but too bad! haha. She also got to call her mother in Haiti today for her birthday. She loved to talk to her and her mother loved to talk to Islande. They chatted in Creole but we could tell some of the things she was telling her about. She has asked many times a day to call Haiti, we told her that it was part of her birthday present. Her aunt has also called us before to make sure she is OK. This kid is a survivor!
No word on how the appt for Auddy went...
No word on how the appt for Auddy went...
Monday, February 1, 2010
Islande got to go to school today!
Islande's first day of school went well!! Syndey was her personal tour guide. Don and I tagged off and spent the day with her and 4 different french speaking students from the UMM spent time with her and translated. She even got to talk in front of all the kids during the reading rally. She told them her name and said "read to me please!" She actually can read english and got all her math addition problems correct. She was tired and hungry when the day was over!
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