Auddy arrived from Haiti to Miami on Monday night at about 8:30 -- I was able to come into customs to finish up the process at about 10:30 on Monday night. We ended up processing her customs ppw in the main terminal in Miami instead of in the private plane terminal like we did with Islande. The customs' workers were very helpful and even gave Auddy a little bag with some food in it. It was another "God" thing that she was even on that plane and that they allowed Paul, Barbara's son-in-law, to bring her thru customs... you see, Auddy got Barbara's spot on the plane! Barbara was the one listed as the official escort and Paul was not listed on any of the docs. By the grace of God, they allowed Auddy and Paul to come into the US without the proper authorization. Paul has been helping Barbara bring in kids but never had done it by himself. God worked many miracles that day! (plus Auddy's ppw from the prime minister of Haiti was not signed until Monday morning!) Auddy and I got to Minnesota and home by Tuesday night about 10:30.
Wednesday, we stayed home during the day and let Auddy and Islande get to know each other better. They have talked Creole none stop ever since. Wednesday night, we had the shower! Wow! It was wonderful to see everyone and see all of our church and family support! The gifts were unbelievable! Everything was just perfect! The girls are already enjoying their new goods... they are both very worried about what it THEIRS and what is OURS. We are working on the organization of our house and our lives... I have to say this week was overwelming!
Thursday, Grandma went to school to see it all and help with the classroom planning. Auddy got to see the school for the first time and everybody went to bed early!
Friday, More firsts... the first valentine's party for both girls... first 4-wheeler ride, first snowmobile ride, first tractor ride and sled ride for Auddy.
We are on our way to the basketball game tonight. Islande LOVES basketball and has been asking about going to the game since she woke up this morning!
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